STEP Test Equipment and Accessories (Required in addition to the K6000 Coulometric Tester)
Chart Recorder, 120V (Part Number TOP101)
Number of pens ( Channels ): 1
Chart width: 100 mm
Dimension of recorder: 6.0" x 6.25" x 3.25"
Full scale span: 1, 2, 5, 10 , 20, 50 mV and 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 V plus attenuator
Chart speeds: 3 cm/ min or 6 cm/min
Full scale response: Less than 0.5 secs
Paper length: 50 ft ( 15 m)
Pen Type: Disposable fiber tip
Power: 12 V AC 600 mA or 12 - 15 volts DC 600 mA
Power Adapter: 115 V AC or 220 V AC (Specify when ordering)
Input impedance: 1 MOhm
Product Features:
High accuracy
2 chart speeds
Built in event markers
Very small and compact size
Lightweight, can be wall mounted
2 year warranty
CE approved
Made in America
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